Teekhup Header

On the day the bombs fell, Tara Crowley was six years old. She didn’t understand what was happening, she just did what they had practiced, and went into the vault with her parents, alongside hundreds of other people. She was brave, she didn’t cry. Her parents said she was privileged, lucky, to be one of the few chosen for the task that was ahead. She felt a sense of pride, believing she understood the monumental journey that would exist once the vault opened. Inside though, she was bored. She missed the freedom she had on the outside. There weren’t many other children her age, and she had trouble making friends, and trouble keeping them. She occasionally passed the time by domesticating the massive roaches which somehow found their way into the vault. Those that did not survive the training process were taken apart and studied. 

Her parents were both Vault-tec engineers. They had married young but waited until they were already in their 40s to have a child. Once inside the vault they left her to her own devices for the most part, believing her safe. They had been killed in an explosion, deep underground. At least she hoped they had died; The tunnel they had been constructing had collapsed, and their bodies had never been recovered. In her weaker moments she wondered if they had found their way outside and just never come back for her.  

While Inside the vault The only subjects in school that really interested her were related to animals, and she briefly entertained the idea of becoming a veterinarian. She quickly realised that there would be far too much study and work. She did develop some expertise in recycling scrap in addition to a taste for various chems and alcohol. For the most part, no one paid her much attention so she was able to do what she wanted. 

After she found herself alone in Appalachia, she spent a while roaming, scavenging, finding her feet. She eventually settled in the forest where she continued her research into domesticating and training animals for both defense and attack. She occasionally bumped into others she had known inside the Vault, and they had already begun forming different factions, but for a long time she managed to stay neutral. She began to provide trained animals for people, and was allowed to remain unaffiliated. She earned the nickname Teacup after an early morning visit to the Wayward. Most people call her Teek.

Eventually she grew tired of being alone all the time. She chose a group that would help to defend her, and teach her how to defend herself, but would still let her be herself with her own moral code. She chose the Vultures.

She currently resides in the Forest, where she has built a state of the art animal training and treatment facility in a small vault she found underground. Above ground she has built a tower that can be seen for miles. She can source and train a wide range of animals, from chickens and Brahmin, to wolves and Deathclaws. These animals definitely do not have a built in kill command that only she knows. Her main companion animal is a Mirelurk King that she refuses to name.

Let’s Get Evie

Let’s Get Evie

//// BEGIN ENCRYPTED MESSAGE //// From: Kestrel To: teekhup, distant_prince, the_eagleHeads up, I’ve finally found where our little traitorous birdie

Trainyard Heist: Part Five, the Vertibot

Trainyard Heist: Part Five, the Vertibot

Kestrel sits on the rocks overlooking the twin cooling towers at Poseidon Energy plant. She has been scouting for a

Trainyard Heist: Part Four

Trainyard Heist: Part Four

Teekhup wakes up as the raiders manhandle her up the hill. She is confused for a moment “For fuck’s sakes,

Trainyard Heist: Part Three

Trainyard Heist: Part Three

Condor sits with her back against the cold rough stone on the roof letting Jules take watch for the moment.

Trainyard Heist: Part Two

Trainyard Heist: Part Two

//// BEGIN ENCRYPTED MESSAGE ////From: MagpieTo: Condor, Teekhup, Jules, AshOkay, I have a plan. We need more man power though,

Trainyard Heist: Part One

Trainyard Heist: Part One

The room is dimly lit, dust and ash swirling in a ray of light bravely sneaking through a crack in

Teek Gets a New Pet: Part Three

Teek Gets a New Pet: Part Three

FROM: <DistantPrince>To: <Teek>SUBJ: RE: new guyNo idea, the way those clones get their memories in the first place is a